You Are A Chosen People
Medical Ambassadors International wants to wish you and your family a Christ-centered and blessed Christmas.
Our familiarity with the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-19 can easily obliterate the seriousness of what it means to be the “chosen ones”. Images of nativity plays put up by Sunday Schools and the cute roles played by different characters (children) don’t often capture the seriousness of what it meant to be chosen of God for His eternal plan. There are tremendous blessings that come with being chosen of God for fulfilling His plan, but there is also a cost.
I shared these thoughts with my colleagues a while ago and would love to share them with you this Christmas. What did it cost Mary and Joseph to be chosen for the task of fulfilling the will of God at the birth of the Lord Jesus?
Here are some facts we know that a person chosen by God experiences:
- The person receives INSTRUCTION
- The person faces ISOLATION
- The person is called to endure INSULT
- The person has no room at the INN (or with the ‘IN’ crowd)
- But the person also has treasures IN THE HEART (to share)
Our prayer is that we will all be encouraged to be one of God’s chosen ones and ponder the mysteries and circumstances of the birth of Christ, during this season of celebrating.
Thank you so much for supporting MAI and its ministry. We are so glad that you have chosen to partner with us.