Trafficking Prevention 2020 Update 

Almost 25 million people are victims of forced labor worldwide. The estimates include victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual and labor exploitation, begging and criminal activities. It also includes victims of state-imposed forced labor, but it does not include trafficking for the purpose of organ removal. 15 million are enslaved by forced marriages. (International Labor Office, April 2017)

These data very likely include women, children and men in cities, neighborhoods and rural communities where we have been serving for years with Community Health Evangelism. These are the places where child sexual abuse, pornography, misconception about masculinity, gender violence, lack of awareness in false job promises and risks to get involved in intimate relationships through social media have not been our priority nor have we measured how much it will impact our communities’ health. It is time to revert this!

Medical Ambassadors international is joining the global fight against Human Trafficking through:

1. Forming a team of CHE practitioners from different regions to work together with local abolitionists and produce culturally appropriate training materials for our CHE communities and partners in this specific area.

2. Creating a training manual on Human Trafficking with different modules like: Community and Church prevention actions, Trauma Healing, Youth preparation, Parenting skills development, Creating a culture of detection and reporting, Horticultural Therapy. Overview of CHE and Integration of other lessons, like Bible stories, Nutrition, Micro-enterprise, Farming, Women’s Cycle of Life, Men Matter, etc. A new story book was developed in Haitian Creole to prevent child sexual abuse and 2,000 copies are being printed.

3. Networking with abolitionists in different regions. Bibiana is co-leading a Latin Forum, including participants from 24 countries in Latin America, Spain and Portugal, in coordination with World Evangelical Alliance.

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