Because Community Health Evangelism (CHE) programs are truly owned by the local community, we begin by asking, “What would you like to see changed in your place, if someone were to teach you how to do that?” Answers will vary depending on the local need. Our library of simple lessons covers a huge number of topics that address felt needs. See a few samples below:
Basic CHE
“Why do children die from diarrhea here?”
“What causes this devastating malaria?”
In every community health is a major concern. CHE lessons focus on prevention of disease and death. Simple changes bring major health improvements. Beyond health concerns, communities’ interests can range from agriculture to literacy, from microenterprise to knowing God. Grassroots transformation can result.
Next-Gen Initiatives
By engaging as a Next Gen ambassador you can advocate for the poor and vulnerable through special initiatives such as Clean Water, Food Security, and Fighting Human Trafficking. MAI impacts a population of over 3.08 million people in 75 countries.
Women’s Cycle Of Life
Around the world gender discrimination is keeping women from realizing their full potential and worth. Women’s Cycle of Life (WCL) provides a curriculum which deals with women’s health issues—from adolescence to childbearing/care of children to menopause. Relational issues (like mothers-in-law or forgiveness or gossip) are addressed from a biblical viewpoint. WCL lessons address gender inequality from the perspective that we are all created by God with great value. This is life-changing good news for women worldwide.
Men Matter
Men Matter lessons are intertwined with the Christian Family series, Women’s Cycle of Life, and Bible Storying to provide communities with a solid foundation for healthy families.
In view of the benefit received from WCL, both women and men have pushed for a concurrent curriculum for men. Topics include: Family Violence, Fatherhood, Friendship, and Becoming Men of Integrity.
Using CHE With Children
Kids’ clubs can be a means of entry into a community. Children learn about God’s love and report to their parents what they’ve learned. Parents appreciate changes in their kids, as they learn about better health, respect for parents, and how to care for themselves and others.
Anti-Human Trafficking
40 million people around the world live under the grip of exploitation. Preparing communities to prevent, identify and respond to sexual abuse and exploitation is crucial to saving lives. At MAI, we partner with regional and global anti-trafficking networks, taking an active role in defending those that have no voice. We research and train on best practices and trauma informed care as ways to heal survivors and restore their dignity. Click here to learn more.
Urban CHE
The CHE strategy in an urban slum has the challenge of a low sense of community or permanence. CHE programs often begin with a church outreach or focus on groups with common interests or needs. Once established, a CHE committee can become an advocate voice and a trusted center for neighborhood activity.
CHE for the Disabled
Around the world there is a strong correlation between disability and poverty. Skills training for caregivers, access to health care, simple rehabilitation, and inclusion in education/community life/church life are all vital components of this program. Our goal is to reduce the stigma of being disabled.
A large series of lessons address issues common to this disease and its effects. Lessons include prevention of HIV, understanding its transmission, care for those bed-bound, helping communities and churches reduce the stigma faced by people living with HIV, meeting needs of children orphaned by AIDS, and more.
Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCA) and Savings and Internal Lending (SAIL) are simple, self-administered savings plans that can be used as group-owned “banks” for small loans. Lessons include personal finance, making business plans, and moral value lessons from the Bible.
Clean Water
At MAI, our goal is not to simply provide safe water to those in need, but to train individuals and communities to create and maintain their own local water resources. We do so through a process combining formal instruction with hands-on training. Click here to learn more.