MAI holds these core values as essential to its application of Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Local communities build strong foundations for a better future as they express these core values in their own context.

  1. Commitment to Jesus
    1. Prioritizing the Whole Person – Some ministries focus solely on the spiritual and ignore other needs; others address the physical or the social only. Jesus addressed all these needs in each person. We seek to learn from His example, as we make disciples who make disciples.
    2. Prayer – Because true transformation is the work of God, we acknowledge our dependence on Him as we seek to move forward with His guidance and help.
    3. Commitment to the Vulnerable and Marginalized – Jesus offers salvation to everyone. We feel He particularly calls us to serve those whom others might ignore.
    4. Christ-like Servant Leadership – Jesus modeled leadership based on serving others, not on being served. As we raise leaders, we pray they will lead through sacrificial service, just as Jesus did. This kind of leadership creates trust and community cooperation.
  2. Respect for Those We Serve
    1. Local Ownership – We aim to teach communities to identify and solve their own problems, rather than promote cycles of dependency due to outside aid. Local ownership and control fosters the self-confidence essential for empowerment.
    2. Participatory Learning – Our teaching methods engage adults in discussion, reflection and action, starting with what they have, and building on what they know. It also allows less formally-educated people to shine as trainers.
  3. Desire for Multiplying and Sustained Impact
    1. Long Term Solutions – We focus on locally-driven and owned development, rather than relief delivered by outsiders. Prevention is better than cure for most problems, and local ideas usually are more sustainable than solutions dependent on outside help.
    2. Use of Locally Available Resources – When people cultivate resources they already have, they strengthen their self-sufficiency and can teach others by their example.
    3. Multiplication – The brilliance of CHE is that it doesn’t need professional development workers to thrive. Relying heavily on local leadership and volunteers, CHE spreads quickly once one community catches the vision.

Revision 3-16-18

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Medical Ambassadors International
PO Box 1302
Salida, CA 95368
Phone: (209) 543 7500
Email: [email protected]
EIN: 94-2691184

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Website By Crushing Pixels