Leading by Example!
Our MAI teams in the field follow an interesting strategy when working with communities. Like the Apostle Paul did (2 Timothy 2:2), they pray for a Person of Peace in the new community to which God leads them. Then they use the connections that they have, to reach out to the new community. As they engage with community members, the Lord usually leads them to the Person of Peace in that community!
The Person of Peace is not always the leader of the community, though that may happen sometimes. However, she or he is a person with a great concern and deep desire to see their community transformed. As soon as the MAI team encounters this person, they prayerfully seek the Lord’s guidance to discern that they have met the Person of Peace. This month’s story is about one such encounter. In this case the Person of Peace was a local leader, and his concern for seeing transformation in the area drew him to the meeting.
We share this story from the Wayuu community of Colombia, that was sent to us by Marco Quispe, the Sub-Regional Coordinator for South America. Marco and his team visited Nipia Meleiwa to facilitate a CHE training. Nipia Meleiwa, which means “House of God Church”- predominantly has Wayuu and Creole members. At the first training, a man with a cane in his hand attended, and Marco presumed that this man had a disability for which he needed the cane. However, Marco soon learned that the man, whose name was Ruben, was the El Palabrero of the area. The local pastor explained that it was a unique privilege to have the El Palabrero at the meeting, because he is a leader with a lot of influence, including the responsibility of settling disputes in the community. During that training, Marco had used a CHE lesson plan about the story of Dr. Romero that shares about the origin of disease. The small group discussion that followed the lesson concluded that disease in their community spread due to a lack of latrines.
The session had a profound impact on Ruben, the El Palabrero. At the end of the training, he invited Marco to his house to show him what he had started. “Unless I set the example, how can I advise others?” he asked, pointing to the pit latrine he had already started to build. Four months later, when Marco visited the community again, he visited the El Palabrero and saw the latrine he had built.
Many in the community have started building their own latrines following the example set by the El Palabrero. In writing to Timothy, the Apostle Paul said, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2 NIV). CHE facilitators are always looking for change agents who will take the lead in introducing new ideas. Marco Quispe now has a leader and influencer to stand beside him and support many new changes in the Nipia Meleiwa community.
Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 20:26 (NLT), “But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” Leaders must lead by example, being willing to humble themselves and take the first step.