Heal Lives and Transform Communities
Justine, whose story we have shared before, had a childhood of turmoil. When her parents got divorced and remarried other people, Justine’s life was disrupted as she tried to spend time with each parent in their respective villages. As a result, she dropped out of school and got married. The pain and trauma continued until change came into her life when Community Health Evangelism (CHE) came into her village. She not only came to know the Lord as her personal Savior but received the opportunity to become educated and ultimately become a CHE instructor herself.
Today, Justine has a job in the local mission school and teaches grade 3, the level at which she dropped out of school! Justine is not only an enthusiastic and effective CHE facilitator in her community, but a lead mobilizer for her village savings group!
CHE continues to have a transforming impact on hundreds of thousands of people like Justine around the globe and we are so excited about what God continues to do. It is a holistic ministry strategy God is using worldwide to transform whole communities. Within a few years, groups can lift themselves out of generations of poverty and disease.
Healing lives and transforming communities is what we are called to do. But we do not do this without the Power of God, His Holy Spirit and the Word of God, the Bible. A new year is approaching, and we hope you will journey with us.