Empowering Communities Against Human Trafficking
In September of 2023, MAI Missionaries Zuzana Polackova and Bibiana Mac Leod embarked on a pivotal journey to empower organizations across Central Europe in the fight against human trafficking. Invited to lead comprehensive training for CHE practitioners from diverse backgrounds, they gathered over 80 participants spanning 10 countries. Together, they delved into the intricacies of human trafficking, mapping its prevalence across their respective nations, and strategizing effective prevention measures.
The training wasn’t just about knowledge transfer; it included vital Trauma Healing sessions that equipped attendees with practical skills to support survivors. As 2024 progresses, plans are in motion for further sessions and continued engagement.
Online initiatives paralleled these efforts, extending their reach globally. Through virtual Trauma Healing sessions, churches worldwide could now equip their members to provide compassionate care to those affected by trafficking. A significant outcome of their collaborative efforts is the development of the Anti-Human Trafficking manual’s foundational module. Translated into Spanish, this resource marks the beginning of a multilingual initiative aimed at broadening its accessibility and impact. Funding commitments ensure ongoing production of educational materials with translations tailored to diverse linguistic needs.
Moreover, the team’s commitment to prevention extends to children’s education. Translated into six languages, including Ukrainian, Slovak, and Spanish, “Grandma Knows Best,” a series of stories on sexual abuse prevention, now reaches a wider audience, empowering children and caregivers alike.
Beyond trafficking prevention, Zuzana Polackova has pioneered new lessons on Therapeutic Gardening. From composting to nurturing pollinators, these sessions promote mental health and well-being in communities across Canada and Latin America.
Bibiana Mac Leod’s influence extends globally as co-founder of the Latin Forum against Human Trafficking. Recently invited to join the World Freedom Network of the World Evangelical Alliance, her role underscores a concerted effort to mobilize the global Evangelical community in the fight for freedom.
As their initiatives gain momentum, Zuzana and Bibiana exemplify dedication and innovation in combatting human trafficking and fostering holistic community well-being.