East Africa – Global Reach Report 2020
In 2020, several countries in the East Africa region were affected by elections and political instability (Uganda), major COVID-19 outbreaks (Tanzania), and violent tribal conflict (Ethiopia). Despite the challenges, partners in the East Africa region continued to faithfully serve their communities through COVID-19 care and prevention, being agents of peace and reconciliation, and encouraging the growth of CHE programs. Relationships were developed with potential new partners in two closed countries in the Horn of Africa region that may result in possible CHE work in 2021 and 2022. CHE outreach programs were started among unreached people groups in southern Kenya and in eastern Ethiopia. In Uganda, the Church of Uganda continues to use CHE as a major strategy for equipping and church planting in 17 dioceses.
In Ethiopia, Holistic Ambassadors Ethiopia Mission started 6 new CHE programs in 2020 even as political turmoil made travel to communities unpredictable. In Kenya, 2020 marked a renewed emphasis on prayer for community transformation, a need to modify training approaches and schedules to be more effective and accessible, and emphasis on the healthy home model as a foundation for discipling CHE volunteers. In Nairobi, several CHE communities implemented urban farming techniques and community garden projects to address local food insecurity. The Nairobi-area CHE center continued to develop its facilities in 2020 with opportunities to become a training center, a mission sending station, and a potential refuge for new believers from other faith traditions needing transitional housing.
Read the full 2020 Annual Report