It’s happening!

In communities around the world significant improvements have been made due to Community Health Evangelism. Health standards have been elevated. Infant mortality rates have gone down. Agricultural productivity has skyrocketed and generated many employment opportunities.

Individuals within the community are experiencing a revitalized sense of self-worth and responsibility towards their surroundings, enabling them to identify needs and mobilize resources effectively. Members of the community are gathering for fellowship, prayer, Bible study, and worship, actively sharing the message of Christ through both verbal communication and acts of compassion.

At present MAI works in 2,674 communities around the world impacting directly or indirectly a population of over 3.08 million people in 75 countries with 52,442 volunteers.

Through the implementation of the CHE curriculum, essential health topics have been addressed. Safe food preparation, hygienic practices, disease prevention, and nutritional education are being taught. The curriculum teaches community members how to avoid and treat various illnesses. Schistosomiasis, tuberculosis, and HIV are discussed. Parents are taught how to nurture their children and support their emotional well-being. Women’s health and other related topics are taught. Each of our target villages comprises approximately 1,000 individuals on average.

Good news is meant to be shared!

Help this global movement grow by sharing these stories of transformation with friends!

Justine’s Story Tassi’s Story Oliver’s Story

Your Investment Multiplied 

MAI has been thoroughly vetted by third party philanthropic counsel Calvin Edwards and Company to be selected for the sixth year in a row to receive the Top 10 ministries with a highest return on investment for the Kingdom of God.

It costs only $0.93 cents to give one person hope. Your gift of $0.93 today will bring education, healthcare, a job, and God’s love to someone in great need.

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Medical Ambassadors International
PO Box 1302
Salida, CA 95368
Phone: (209) 543 7500
Email: [email protected]
EIN: 94-2691184

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