Devastating Floods in Pakistan
Torrential monsoon rains triggered the most severe flooding in Pakistan’s recent history, washing away villages and leaving almost 10 million children in need of immediate, lifesaving support, and at increased risk of waterborne diseases, drowning and malnutrition. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been damaged or destroyed, while many public health facilities, water systems and schools have been destroyed or damaged.
MAI’s Response
Though we are, on one hand, still in full relief mode in places, others are moving towards the Rehabilitation phase, so needs are changing. Since winter is approaching, and we are still distributing ration packs and mosquito nets, we now need to focus also on blankets and securing shelter for many families. People continue to camp out on the elevated roadsides because houses and yards are still flooded. We’ve been discussing with local churches how we can, together, make a plan, because there are “CHE villages” that are organized and effective with self-help groups and agriculture seed bank groups.
We are looking for deeper engagement from community members and are receiving suggestions. Our CHE volunteers are assessing losses. Rain and flooding has ruined food crops and stored seeds, including those for animal feed. We are closely working with our CHE committees and those that have received rations. Reports on losses should be out in a few weeks. We will also engage in villages new to us, with whom we have now built relationships during this crisis, to receive ideas on how we can serve alongside them.
Rebuilding of fallen homes in new communities have led to CHE Awareness Raising Workshops, (10-12 villages) three of which have been completed. Two of our CHE lessons are key: “Relief & Development,” and “Needs & Resources.” A Bible story that God has used multiple times in our sharing during this crisis is in 2 Kings 8:5, the story of Elijah and his servant Gehazi. Through this all, people are very receptive and aware of our message: “We love you because Jesus loves you.”
Please continue to pray for us in this long-term engagement as people are brought into rehabilitation, and as they learn more about God’s love for them. Thank you.