Container Houses for Ukraine Refugees
MAI continues to support partners serving Ukrainian people who have left their homes behind, some of them crossing borders and some moving to safer areas of their country, (Internally Displaced People, IDPs). We have committed support for the first half of the year to Leonard, an Ukrainian pastor traveling from Budapest, Hungary, to the Romanian-Ukraine border near Odessa and other border cities near Hungary, with provisions for families in need. We continue to help a church denomination in Slovakia, that travels into Ukraine to provide health care packs, food and other supplies to churches serving IDPs as well as sending provisions to the front lines.
Most recently, MAI was asked to help purchase containers that are used as houses in Uzhorod, Ukraine. A Slovak pastor is helping an Ukrainian church serving IDPs there. 3 of the 6 containers now available to refugees were purchased through contributions our generous donors have sent to our U020 fund.
In the darkest moments of our lives, God keeps showing up. Kindness from others encourages our partners´soul, and ours. Thank you for keeping these needs in mind. Please pray for those involved in this ministry and those on the frontline.