Water is essential for life!
Yet a large portion of it is contaminated. Around the world, the poor and vulnerable live in places where most of the water is poor quality.
Thanks to the Sawyer Foundation, clean water can be provided through a water filtration system. These systems are saving lives all over the world by combining water filters with the tubing and accessories needed to convert a 5-gallon bucket into a low-cost and long-lasting gravity water filtration system.
Using the same technology as kidney dialysis, Sawyer filters remove all harmful bacteria, protozoa, and cysts like E. coli, Giardia, Cholera, and Typhoid once water passes through its membrane.
At MAI, our goal is not to simply provide safe water to those in need, but to train individuals and communities to create and maintain their own local water resources. We do so through a process combining formal instruction with hands-on training.
Make a difference
For a one time gift of $30 you can help a family filter it’s current water source to access 10 gallons of safe drinking water per day for the next 3-5 years!
- $30 helps set up safe water access capabilities for a family of 5
- $90 helps 15 people
- $120 helps 20 people
- $150 helps 25 people
For only $6 per person you can give clean water for 3-5 years!