What is MAI’s CHE 360 Club?

The MAI CHE 360 Club is made up Christ-followers joining together through prayer and monthly financial support to make holistic disciples, who make holistic disciples, while bringing 360 transformation to communities around the world!

We desire this to be an interactive community. As a member, you will receive an invitation to our Facebook group to receive prayer requests, timely updates from the field, access to MAI’s virtual vision trips (coming soon) and live quarterly webcasts with stories of transformation.

Regardless of the amount you are able to give each month (whether it’s $5, $25, $50, $100 or more), there’s a place for you in this growing, passionate community of world changers!

We’ve saved a spot for you!

Join today and your welcome packet will be on the way.

What others are saying…

  • “There are two things unique to Community Health Evangelism (CHE). First are the CHE volunteers themselves, going to their neighbors’ homes. It’s drawing another person into one’s pilgrimage with Christ and walking him or her forward. The second is this unique blend of spiritual and physical. It’s rare to find this blend in one program. Seeing CHE in action has restored my faith in missions.” —The late Dr. James F. Engel, Founder Emeritus, Development Associates International; Retired Professor, Eastern College
  • “In over 20 years of majority-world ministry, having evaluated dozens of holistic programs in numerous countries, I have not seen anywhere such dramatic impact for so little cost. The MAI CHE program effectively bridges the various interventions of meeting basic needs (such as health, sanitation and agriculture) with a wholistic Gospel message, resulting in the transformation of the believer, evidenced by behavioral change.” Dr. Samuel J. Voorhies, formerly Leadership Development, World Vision International, currently President/CEO of Voorhies Consulting
  • “Operation Equip India (OEI) focuses on holistic transformation of an individual and so does MAI . This partnership with similar principles helps in being more effective. OEI has gained so much knowledge from MAI to implement community health education among people with disabilities and HIV/AIDS.” Elish Kanthi, General Director, Operation Equip India
  • “Medical Ambassadors Dehradun started in 1985 with a vision to see transformed communities and it was only possible to see this because of the solid partnership with MAI and freedom to execute the plan. Partnership made possible to see wholistic transformation in communities. MAI has provided a tool kit to see a sustainable, reliable wholistic development. CHE is tool which can open all the closed doors to enter in and to experience freedom. MAI leadership has empowered us through their unique talents and they trained to us to train others.” Rev. Albert Roshan, CHE Director, MAI Dehradun 
  • “MAI has nested and taught us at Global CHE Enterprises about how to thrive and partner with other organizations in collaboration for multiplication of the fruit in God`s Vineyard in this part of His Kingdom Meso-America.” Hugo E. Gomez M.D.,Global CHE Enterprises CEO, Meso-America Region Coordinator