CHE is in his blood!
Community Health Evangelism (CHE) certainly creates some interesting individuals!
This month’s story is about one such individual whom I had the privilege of meeting on a trip to Uganda.
I was in deep conversation with the CHE coordinator of the diocese, as our jeep turned into a village. ”You wanted to meet a CHE champion doctor? You’ll meet one here. Timothy is so on fire for the Lord, that we describe him as someone who has CHE in his blood!” It was late in the evening and we were exhausted. I didn’t realize how inspiring the meeting with Timothy would be!
Three hours later, with great reluctance I let the team guide me back to the jeep. It had been fascinating to listen to one story after the other of God’s direct interventions in the lives of the local villagers. Well, Timothy lived up to his reputation. He did have CHE in his thoughts and action. Yes, even in his blood!
Here is Timothy’s story:
The diocesan Community Health Evangelism (CHE) Coordinator who supervises Timothy describes him as someone who has “CHE in his blood,” because Timothy truly is a holistic disciple who makes holistic disciples.
Timothy was selected from his village to participate in MAI’s CHE training because he was a very active lay leader. He proceeded with forming a CHE committee and teaching CHE education. His love for Jesus propelled him to serve his community as a true servant.
As a lay leader in his church, as a preacher and prayer warrior, he served his people tirelessly. The Lord began performing miracles in the community. People who were dependent on witchcraft came to faith; others in bondage to evil spirits were liberated. Many were healed. These changes so dramatically increased the number of people attending church, that they had to build a new and larger church building.
Years later, while still overseeing the whole parish, Timothy has seen great growth in numbers in his own village church. Timothy is now a Master CHE Trainer. Every church in the parish practices the principles of CHE. Besides spiritual outreach, the churches are actively engaged in meeting the physical needs of people, using their own resources. Christ has transformed several witchdoctors in the community; they have come to Him through the church and have discarded their evil practices.
We are very grateful to you for all that you do in supporting our International ministry. Your regular support to our ministry makes it possible for us to facilitate the healing of lives and the transformation of communities through supporting frontline workers like Timothy. It’s a blessing to see how God works in the lives of His followers and mobilizes them to support His ministry.
Psalm 91:1 says “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty”. I know from having met Timothy, that he is one such person!