2023 Annual Report
President’s Annual Report
Dr. Ravi I. Jayakaran
The year 2023 has been a very fruitful one, with special grace and blessings from God. Both the Capital Campaign and the restricted funding categories were well above target. The unrestricted revenue was below an ambitious budget, but since we were able to ascertain in advance that it was heading to be below target, we managed to contain expenses, so that we have done well overall. In the year ahead, we plan to make special efforts to enhance our fund-raising strategies to increase our revenue for further expansion. New funding received as a result of the Capital Campaign has already resulted in expansion in many places like Southeast Asia, South Asia, the MENA region, South America and the Caribbean. Existing areas such as East Africa, West Africa and Central Africa continue to grow into new areas. One of the most exciting opportunities has been the opportunity to expand in a comprehensive way in partnership with the National Church in one of the West African countries. New partnerships are being explored in Northeast Asia too.
As an organization, we thank the Lord for enabling us to be counted among the top ten organizations with a high return on investment for the Kingdom of God. This has happened now for the 6th year running (https://roiministry.org). This recognition has opened new doors of opportunity for MAI by way of additional funding.
As in the previous year, we continue to strive to improve quality, efficiency, and professionalism at all levels. Galen Dalrymple, our COO, will address some of the changes that he and his team have worked on. Some of these are related to the transition in our financial systems and our CRM platform. We continue to persevere with our ongoing work in the field to grow and expand our CHE (Community Health Evangelism) program, that impacts a population of over 3.08 million people. Our second line of leadership continues to grow and take on increasing responsibilities in the field. CHE teams in the field continue to explore new, creative, and cost-effective ways to facilitate training.
Preliminary field data on the evaluation of a CHE program in West Africa in partnership with the Wisconsin Lutheran Church has been very promising and we hope to have the final analyzed results soon.
MAI’s relief response efforts continue across the globe with continued response in Ukraine, special trauma healing sessions in Turkey, response to the flood-affected people of South Asia and Kenya, and the cholera outbreak in Haiti.
As always, we continue to “make wholistic disciples, who make wholistic disciples” in obedience to both the great commandment and the great commission (Matthew 22:37-40 and Matthew 28:18-20).