Healing Lives. Transforming Communities.

At Medical Ambassadors International (MAI) we build relationships with the world’s most vulnerable people and together we work to heal communities both physically and spiritually. MAI is a registered 501(c)3 in the U.S. and donations are tax deductible.

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Medical Ambassadors International is equipping communities through Christ-centered health and development.

For 40 years, Medical Ambassadors International has been working to heal lives and transform communities. Jesus’ ministry on earth revealed that he cares for the whole person. He was moved by people’s spiritual and physical pain. At Medical Ambassadors International, we strive to follow the example Jesus set for holistic healing. We use a development process called Community Health Evangelism (abbreviated CHE; pronounced chay; in some countries, depending on the context the program, is referred to as Community Health Education or Community Development Education) that addresses the needs of the whole person – physical, spiritual, emotional, and social. By using CHE, Medical Ambassadors is equipping individuals to be independent workers and evangelists in their own communities. At present MAI works in 3,007 communities around the world impacting directly or indirectly a population of over 3.4 million people in 76 countries with 59,102 volunteers.

About Us Our Approach 2022 Annual Report 2023 Annual Report

Breaking News Around the World

Stay informed and add to your prayer list!

Kenya: Floods have resulted in food shortages, impassable roads, farm losses, and the displacement. Your help is needed. Click here to read more.

Ukraine: MAI has been sending relief to our front line church partners. Your support is still greatly needed. Click here to read more.

MAI Crisis Response

Give Support to Ukraine

The strategy of Community Health Evangelism/Education (CHE) operates on a principle of maximizing available resources within the community to enable it to move towards a sustainable and empowering outcome. Disasters in a community, depending on their intensity, often leave the community with depleted resources in building back a viable survival strategy.

Click below to see our efforts in action and read about current needs around the globe.

MAI: A 40 Year Journey

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What is CHE?

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Our Approach

Opportunities for Millennials and Gen Z

You can advocate for the poor and vulnerable through special initiatives such as Clean Water, Food Security, and Fighting Human Trafficking.

Next Gen Initiative

Partner with us in our Capital Campaign

We’re growing wider and stronger through several strategic initiatives. Join us!

CHE Testimony

Listen as Larry Wiens tells his amazing story of seeing and experiencing the power of CHE to transform lives and communities.

View Video Testimony

From Witchcraft to Jesus, Tassy’s Story

Learn how Tassy abandoned witchcraft and came to know and follow Jesus. Her entire village was transformed!